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Research Interests

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Correlate | 01

My primary research focuses on intermediate-depth earthquakes in the Bucaramanga nest, Colombia. I use cross-correlation techniques to look at repeating and anti-repeating events with respect to their location and source. I investigate these properties using cluster analysis as well as other methods. I hope to contribute to the understanding of the cause and mechanism of nest seismicity and non traditional failure.​

Student Presentation Award - SSA Annual Meeting 2014

Detect | 02

I am also interested in using subspace detectors as a method for finding earthquakes missing from the catalog. Using the results of a singular value decomposition, I find the second largest singular vector to be the time derivative of the stack. I have applied this technique to earthquake sequences in Southern California. For more information - Barrett and Beroza (2013) "An Empirical Approach to Subspace Detection" SRL, doi: 10.1785/0220130152

Top Oral Presentation - Stanford Earth Sciences Research Review 2014

Attenuate | 03

I work with Jesse Lawrence on my secondary research project which involves incorporating teleseismic data into an existing model of velocity and attenuation in the region of the Middle American Trench.

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In 2012, as part of a collaboration with UC Berkeley and USGS, I traveled to El Tatio Geyser field (Northern Chile) to deploy a seismic array as part of Cyndi Kelly's thesis research on subsurface imaging.

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